Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library

"You can never get enough books into the hands of enough children." Dolly Parton talks about the goal of the Imagination Library.

“I am amazed by the quality of the books. I have three children and there have only ever been a few duplicate books over the years.”

“It’s not just about the books, it’s about the trip to the main and the quality family time that follows.”

“I regret not having signed up my first child. When I heard about it, it sounded too good to be true!”

  • Brother and sister sharing a book.
  • Some of my favourite Dolly Parton's Imagination Library Books
  • Reading aloud brings out the child in all of us.
  • Mom reads to son
  • Brother reading to sister
  • Max shows us some of his favourite books.

The Fort St. John Literacy Society opened enrolment for those living in Fort St. John, Taylor, Area B and Area C for the first time in October of 2018, thanks to funding from BC Hydro and Pembina Pipeline. Since this time, 958 children have graduated from the program and there are currently 695 participants enrolled.

In July 2020, the program was almost suspended due to a lack of funding at which time our community stepped up to ensure the program would continue. Over the last six years, many organizations have provided support, including AFDE, Bandstra Transport, Canadian Natural Resources Ltd., Canlin Resources Partnership, Chopped Leaf, CN Rail, Conoco Phillips Canada, Epscan, Fort St. John Co-op, Fort St. John Rotary, Home Hardware, Microtel Inn and Suites, North Peace Savings and Credit Union, Sererus, United Way of Northern BC and Urban Systems Foundation.

Without additional funding, we will have to suspend the program this fall. Unfortunately, we have not been able to grow the program (accept new registrations) for some time and our current enrolment only represents 25% of the area’s population of children 0-4 years of age (the DPIL guideline is 65%). For the program to continue, we want to be able to fund and grow the program for the next 3 years in order to provide books for 50% of the region’s children aged 0-4 years (this would be approximately 1,500 children by the year 2026/2027).

Imagine if every child entered Kindergarten ready to (or knowing how) to read. We know from research that children who develop early literacy skills are more likely to succeed academically, exhibit higher levels of self-confidence, and actively engage in learning experiences. Pre-reading skills don’t just assist with word and letter recognition, they promote confidence and help children communicate their own thoughts and ideas.

Reading aloud to children, starting at birth, helps build brain connections during this valuable time when 90% of a child’s brain development happens (in the first five years). Each book in the program is specially selected by a panel of early childhood literacy experts. The committee takes great care to choose books that meet the different needs of children as they progress from birth to age 5. There are also at least two Canadian titles per year per age group. You can learn more about book selection and the committee members here.

Book selection, automation and financial savings are key success features of the program. Caregivers of young children know how difficult it would be to ensure they created this type of learning experience on a monthly basis and even if they did make a trip to the library or book store, would the books they select have the same benefits?

With the support of the Dolly Foundation Funds, the DPIL has an infrastructure that ensures this happens at a fraction of the cost. We costed out the Year 1 books for 2024 and to purchase these books would cost almost $150, with an additional $100 in shipping (assumes $8/month for shipping). With the DPIL, one year of books is just under $50 or about 20% of the cost!

Unfortunately, over the years, as the initial funding has been spent and lower funding levels, the program has shrunk dramatically. We have not been able to enroll new participants as current participants graduate. As a small organization with no core ongoing funding for these types of programs, it restricts the Society’s ability to run other programs.

To continue the program, we want to know that we can sustain and grow the program and have set out a three year budget. We are hoping that organizations will look to become Community Partners, providing support for one or three year commitments. In order to continue the program, we would need to secure funding for 75% of the budget and can look at ongoing fundraising activities to assist in covering the shortfall.

Year 1 – 2024/2025

Enrolment Goal: 1,130

% of Population: 40%

Monthly Budget $5,000

Annual Budget: $60,000

Sponsorship Goal: $45,000

Year 2 – 2025/2026

Enrolment Goal: 1,300

% of Population: 45%

Monthly Budget $5,800

Annual Budget: $69,600

Sponsorship Goal: $52,200

Year 3 – 2026/2027

Enrolment Goal: 1,465

% of Population: 50%

Monthly Budget $6,500

Annual Budget: $78,000

Sponsorship Goal: $58,500

There are so many ways to support and it may look different for each organization. It could be a one-time donation, a three year commitment (upfront or billed annually) or working with us to create a fundraiser or challenge.

There are so many ways to get creative and involve your partners, customers, employees or the community as a whole! Maybe it’s sponsoring a child for a year ($50) or five years ($250) for every house or vehicle sold or whatever activity makes sense for you business. Maybe you want to raise funds through a bottle drive, bake sale or event, every little bit helps!

All donors will receive:

  • Charitable Donation Receipt
  • Quarterly Program Newsletter which will include financial reporting for the program, enrolment statistics and information about the impact of your support, beginning Q4 2024
  • Recognition in marketing such as brochures, website, social media and DPIL events
  • Recognition in quarterly newsletters to parents
  • Invitation Supporter Appreciation Events, your chance to witness first hand the impact of your support, beginning in 2025
  • Marketing support for Fundraisers and Challenges
  • Invitation to the Fort St. John Literacy Society Annual General Meeting

We also have the following donation level gifts or we can develop a package appropriate for your organization.

$6,000 1 year or $15,000 over 3 yearsRecognition on mailer card that goes out with each book (at least one month per donation year); Monthly promotional feature including social media, location signage (at least one month per donation year); and Featured article in quarterly parent newsletter (one per quarter)
$4,000 1 year or $9,000 over 3 yearsRecognition on mailer card that goes out with each book (at least one month per donation year); Monthly promotional feature including social media, website, and location signage (at least one month per donation year)
$3,000 1 year or or $6,000 over 3 yearsPromotional feature including social media, website, and location signage
$500 or morePromotional feature including social media and website
Want to discuss donation or fundraising options with us? Click here to have a Society member reach out to discuss options.
The Fort St. John Rotary Club is a proud supporter of the Dolly Parton's Imagination Library.
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