Imagination Library Needs Support!
May 26, 2020
WE NEED YOUR SUPPORTHave you heard about Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library children’s book program?? Through this program, we have been able to distribute over 11,000 books to our community since November 2018!!
We are currently looking for funding/sponsorship in order to continue offering this program as we only have funding for 1️⃣ more month (approx. $3,000).
If the program continues, we can provide a book to 800+ kids in our community each month. The program is currently full due to funding restrictions, so we are not taking new enrollments at this time.
Please consider donating towards this program through the below link. Or contact Executive Director, Jessica Kalman at 250-271-0811 to discuss making a donation, and/or if you can help sponsor a month(s) or a portion of the program. Every dollar helps!